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In Need Of A New Copier Or Laser Printer? You've Come To The Right Place!

We have been known for saving our customers over 30% on equipment and service for all their office equipment vs. other companies!

JR Copier USA


MORE commitment to our customers

From creation to destruction, we are your single, trusted partner for all of your office and document management solutions.

  • Professional, fully-trained consultants to evaluate your specific needs
  • Reliable, high-quality brands
  • IT Support Services (Installations to on-going support)
  • Full line of office equipment solutions, with financing available
    • Including wide-format printing solutions
  • Professional and timely delivery, installation, set-up and on-site staff training
  • Maintenance and IT Support agreements
  • On-going hardware service and support
  • Commitment to environmental responsibility
    • Cartridge recycling programs
    • Document Management Solutions
    • Environmentally responsible technology partners

copier sales

GET SAME DAY PRICE QUOTE • Copiers | laser printers • buy rent lease SALES

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Ask Us For A Quote

As technology continues to produce an avalanche of advanced digital products that blur the line between printers, copiers and fax machines, outfitting your office can be more bewildering than ever.

Connect With The Best Local Dealer

JR Copier has established a large network of Authorized office equipment dealers across the country.

Office Copier Rentals

Copiers can be rented across the United States thru our dealer network, for short term or long term.

Get Leasing Options

We work with several leasing companies and banks that will be able to offer you options in financing/leasing your next copier or printers.

Competition Is Healthy & Great For You

As you know when office equipment dealers want your business, the end result is better pricing, we do the shopping for you and you pick what best suits your company.

This is how it works...




Step 1: Fill out our form

Once you give us the information we need, we have one of our team members call you, to get more information and confirm your office equipment needs. - FORM HERE


Step 2: Confirm your information

A team member will contact you right away and verify all the information supplied by you.


Step 3: Receive quotes

Local dealers will submit their price quotes.


Step 4: Select the best bid

You select the prices and services from our local Authorized dealers that best suits your organization.

Here’s what people are saying...

James royce


Copier Sales

I have been with JR Copiers for about 5 years and they have provided us with excellent service for out Konica color copier. Paul has worked with my company through some tough times and has always provided us with prompt and reliable service which is key in my business because I depend on my machines for our livelihood.
I will continue to be a loyal and happy customer and if you are looking for a great copier tech and who also sells reliable copying machines, look no further than the folks at JR Copiers.

jake duke


Copy Machine Rental

Prompt, friendly and efficient service. We have used this company for over 8 years and find the owner very reasonable and understanding.

We always come out feeling like we are important and an integral part of his business providing service to our company.

Anna parker

Office Manager

Great Office Equipment Supplier

JR Copier has always provided quick and efficient service. My office gets extremely busy and on occasion I forget to order supplies like toner. Able Copier always makes sure we have the supplies we need the next day. Repair service has always been done in a timely matter. I don't think I could find any better service then what this company provides.

Copier sales & Service

JR Copier | Office Equipment Supplier

Office copiers are now multifunction printer/copier/scanner/fax/all-in-one machines, and they’re ideal for digitizing documents and workflows.

The Rise of the Multifunction Printer / All in One Standalone devices, like copiers or fax machines, are relics of the past. That’s because office workers now demand more from their tools and their workspaces.

we carry multiple recognized office equipment brands

We offer the broadest digital printing press portfolio of digital presses and production printers on the market.

Xerox digital printing presses are ideal for graphic communications and commercial print providers' high-speed, high-volume printing applications, including publishing, transaction printing, direct mail, packaging and photo publishing.

copier & printer_brands

Improve the productivity of your workforce with outstanding office equipment services and sales from our professionals. JR Copier Sales & Service offers all kind of office equipment services and sales. Specializing in Canon, Copystar, Kyocera , Ricoh, Sharp, HP, BrotherXerox, and Toshiba copiers, but servicing most copier brands. Our #1 priority is to provide our customers competitive prices & high quality service. 

We focus on all office equipment Sales, Leases, Service, & Service Agreements for BW & Color Copiers, All In One Printers and Fax machines. If you need new or used office equipment, we offer affordably priced machines priced below rates offered by our competitors! Contact us now for a free quote.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it better to lease or buy office equipment?

How much is a copier lease?

Can You Put Example Questions Here?

How much does a copier cost?

Should I buy or lease a p​​​​rinter?

What is a copier lease?